
segunda-feira, 17 de novembro de 2014

Teach Computing

Foi giro entrar no terceiro módulo do mooc How to Teach Computing e dar com este texto introdutório:

"Last module's introduction to terms and concepts triggered some interesting responses and reflections from you. Many of you agreed with the speakers but some also voiced a bit of scepticism about how this all was relevant to you if you were not a classic computing teacher. As Michele Blandino from Italy put it: "I feel like a fish out of the water". And of course, some of the concepts and processes described by Professor Hubwieser might find less application in other subjects but in particular the idea of computational thinking seemed to inspire colleagues from other subjects. Artur Coelho's (from Portugal) contribution who made the link between computational thinking and the art and design subject was only one example:

These videos make me want to take a long, hard think at my practice. My own approach is more artistic, more centred on creativity and personal expression. Still, some core concepts of computational thinking apply perfectly to a design/art approach, such as modularity, modeling, abstract visualization and designing steps to solve a problem."

Para além de agradável pela menção, devo dizer que fiquei contente ao perceber que este é o primeiro MOOC que frequento que não depende de vídeos gravados muito antes das sessões de aprendizagem que são reciclados de edição em edição do curso. Coursera, este dedinho é-vos apontado,

Quanto à ligação entre pensamento computacional e práticas artísticas, é algo em que tenho de estudar melhor, mas assim por alto vejo tantos pontos em comum....

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