
terça-feira, 22 de maio de 2018

Europeana Learning Diary IV

Module 4 done.

I'm skipping the journal entry for the previous module, did it in a bit of a hurry, pressed for time.

 Still, proof of achievment of module 3.

This is a cool resource: ISTE.

My contribution to the PBL and AR padlet wall, with a trip down memory lane:
"As for AR, i've actually gave up on it about four years ago. QR code or marker tools (like aurasma) to display AR information in the form of text/image/video are cool, but I'm focused on 3D modeling and at the time none of the main android apps had a usable interface to display 3D content. Except Augment, and i've done a few projects with AR and 3D in... 2013: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ItuFZSgMT64 

PBL is a structural component of my teaching methods since before the term came into general use. as an arts teacher, we use a method called problem solving, an iterative cycle that starts with a question/problem. now, teaching ICT, i still use a version of this method, more directed due to time constraints."

I've started with AR in 2012... and gave up to focus on 3d printing. Life's like that, sometimes.

Interesting info: 
But what is Inquiry-Based Science Education (IBSE)?
Inquiry-based learning (IBL) is an educational strategy through which students follow methods and practices similar to those of professional scientists in order to construct knowledge (Keselman, 2003). One of the benefits of using IBL is that the students are an active part of their own learning process: they must suggest an experimental activity to peers and design it. IBL is organised into different steps, in which teachers guide the students to think about an experimental idea, design the experiment and present the results to their peers.
There are four levels of inquiry-based learning:
  1. Confirmation inquiry: At this level, the teacher uses inquiry as confirmation for already acquired knowledge. For example, the teacher gives a lesson about a topic, then prepares an activity by posing questions and guides students through it to an answer that is already known by them.
  2. Structured inquiry: The teacher provides the scientific question and guidelines or structure to the investigation. Students are required to explain their findings.
  3. Guided inquiry: The teacher only provides the research question. Students are responsible for designing their own experiments and validating data at the end of the process.
  4. Open inquiry: Students formulate their own research questions, design the experiment and present their findings.

 And contribution to the Collaborative Learning wall:
Essentially, time. the learning outcomes are more solid with this method, and also more fun, but time management of the curriculum will create difficulties. too much to teach, too little time...?
Learning Designer: I'm already familiar with this tool, but I dislike its structural approach. I prefer my learning designs more lean, not too much structured, with flexibility in timings and learning/work sequences.

In all, this was a very useful module, showing us how to use Europeana resources within specific teaching methods (PBL, Collaborative Learning, IBSE). Still, one aspect is, for me, problematic. The scenarios were a lot about information processing - students search for information to support knowledge acquisition. These methdologies are very pertinent to teachers from more theoretical areas, but how can we use these resources to spark creativity and practical projects?

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