sábado, 29 de outubro de 2011

Science at School - Exponor

We were at Fundação Ilídio Pinho's exhibition Ciência na Escola (Science at School) at Exponor, Oporto, showing some of the science education projects selected for last year's science at school contest. Our booth showcased Agrupamento de Escolas da Venda do Pinheiro entry, Viagem de um Glóbulo Vermelho, a virtual world created by students who modelled elements of the blood and assembled a virtual museum after research and experimental activities under guidance from teachers Sónia Azevedo, Ana Piano and Artur Coelho.

Our booth at the exhibition.

Digital tecnhologies allow very zen-like presentations. We displayed an offline mode of the virtual world, projected on screen, another experiment in the crossing of science, arts and ICT, and an under the hood section, displaying original VRML models, Vivtay Studio files and other apps, to show how it was done. Unfortunately, we did not have internet acces, making impossible a demonstration of virtual interactions using Babel X3D.

We also used this opportunity to spread the word about the Babel X3D community. In a science fair full of models (non-virtual ones), posters, powerpoint presentations, scientific equipment and robotics we atracted quite a bit of attention from teachers and high-school students over the how-to build virtual worlds, educational uses applications used and the abilities of elementary school pupils in 3D and VRML/X3D. Representants from the portuguese Ministry of Education and Science central and regional structures, and Fundação Ilídio Pinho were dazzled by these virtual spaces, one of wich had been distinguinshed with a prize in the previous year iniciative.

As for elementary school students present... they loved to play in this virtual world. We hope to be present in the next year's iniciative, showcasing other virtual worlds created in class interconnecting learning and knowledge from different areas (in this case, science, arts and ICT) with content created by the students. The more we delve into VRML/X3D educational possibilities the more we think we've barely scratched the surface. All the students involved in the projects showcased here and in 3D Alpha - from the 5th/6th grades to the 3rd and 4th grades, deserve congratulations for they'r creativity and hard work.

domingo, 23 de outubro de 2011

Babel X3D Virtual Worlds Video Presentation

Uma apresentação vídeo de mundos virtuais alojados na plataforma Babel X3D. Para saber mais sobre mundos virtuais em VRML/X3D e suas utilizações, em particular educativas, visitem-nos em Babel X3D.

sexta-feira, 21 de outubro de 2011

Babel X3D and the Artenautas Digitais

In October 20, 2011 as part of the educational, cultural and artistic project, "A Viagem do Artenauta" - Storytellers and creativity.in Ponte de Lima Dr. Vítor Cardoso and Artur Coelho taught the workshop Babel X3D and the Artenautas Virtuais showing the Babel X3D site, demos of virtual worlds and how to create avatars in Avatar Studio. Forty students from Ponte de Lima's secondary school and their teachers gained first hand knowledge of VRML/X3D worlds and delighted themselves using Avatar Studio.

Digital exhibition Ponte de Lima Virtual

Dr. Vítor Cardoso presenting Babel X3D and virtual worlds

One of the participants taking her first steps in Avatar Studio

Ponte de Lima: a view of the bridge, enhaced by the experience of visiting the town's recreation
in VRML/X3D.

These initiatives are important to get the message out about the wonderful uses and possibilities of this technology. We hope the students involved had as much fun discovering VRML/X3D as we did working with them! The digital exhibition is still on display in the computer room of Ponte de Lima's municipal library.

sexta-feira, 7 de outubro de 2011

Trabalhos de alunos (2011)

Ainda em 2D, mas brevemente chegarão ao 3D. Um arquivo dos trabalhos mais interessantes criados por alunos de 5º e 6º ano do Agrupamento de Escolas da Venda do Pinheiro.

quarta-feira, 5 de outubro de 2011

A Viagem do ArteNauta - Contadores de histórias e criatividade

O Projeto educativo-cultural e artístico "A Viagem do ArteNauta - Contadores de histórias e criatividade" irá decorrer entre os dias 17 e 29 de outubro de 2011, em vários locais da Vila de Ponte de Lima. Ao longo de uma semana, haverá, em cada dia, uma série de iniciativas dirigidas à comunidade escolar e ao público em geral: Exposições, Oficinas, Teatro, Dança, Música, Filmes, Seminário, Palestra e Tertúlia (ver programa em anexo).

Para informações e inscrições contatar:

Centro Local de Aprendizagem da Universidade Aberta de Ponte de Lima (cla_ponl@univ-ab.pt/258 753493/915676349)