sábado, 21 de janeiro de 2023

Fab Educator's Summit

Dia 27, o desafio é partilhar ideias sobre 3D e pensamento computacional, no Fab Educators Summit - Making Success in the Classroom. Estaremos na Session C.

Coding and robotics are the main areas for fostering computational thinking (CT) skills in education. However, CT is as wider concept, enabling other approaches. Our on the field experience with 3D modelling and printing has shown us that we can also develop CT skills in our students using these technologies. The creative and technical process of creating in 3D are connected to the main principles ot CT; also, using these tools, students can develop these skills in contexts linked to the arts. This talk shares our experience on using 3D modelling and printing connected to CT, within portuguese formal education, in primary ICT class. 

O evento é gratuito, aberto a todos, e cheio de palestrantes e tópicos interessantes.

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